Lesson 193 - Identifying Components: The Actor/Action Approach   
(August 12, 2024)

In Lesson 190 I talked about the difference between a logical and physical architecture. In this lesson I demonstrate a technique for identifying initial core logical components called the Actor/Action approach. With this approach, you identify the actors in the system, identify the major actions each actor performs in the system, and from those actions identify the initial core logical components of the system.  

Lesson 190: https://www.developertoarchitect.com/lessons/lesson190.html
Software Architecture Monday: https://bit.ly/3dadEe3
Head First Software Architecture: https://amzn.to/3VNFI0o
Fundamentals of Software Architecture: https://amzn.to/3rgFLjY
Software Architecture: The Hard Parts: https://amzn.to/3BjMMF2

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