Lesson 174 - Replicated Caching and Data Collisions  
(November 20, 2023)

In lesson 78 I talked about replicated (in-memory) caching. In this lesson I’ll go a little deeper in this topic and talk about one of the potential downfalls of replicated in-memory caching: data collisions. I’ll talk about what a data collision is and illustrate how it can happen. Then I’ll show a technique for avoiding this problematic issue. 

Reference Links:

Replicated In-Memory Caching: https://www.developertoarchitect.com/lessons/lesson78.html
Software Architecture Monday: https://bit.ly/3dadEe3
Fundamentals of Software Architecture: https://amzn.to/3rgFLjY
Software Architecture: The Hard Parts: https://amzn.to/3BjMMF2

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