Lesson 112 - Architecture Characteristics Worksheet 
(April 26, 2021)

Identifying architecture characteristics (otherwise known as “-ilities”, non-functional characteristics, and system quality attributes) is one of the main activities of a software architect. In this lesson Mark Richards shares with you a worksheet he created and uses on projects that helps identify, organize, and validate architecture characteristics. Mark covers each section of the worksheet, and then shows an example of how it is used. Whether starting a new greenfield project or validating an existing architecture, this worksheet can help you in your role as a software architect. 

Reference Links:

Characteristics Worksheet: https://www.developertoarchitect.com/downloads/worksheets.html
Software Architecture Monday: https://bit.ly/3dadEe3
Fundamentals of Software Architecture: https://amzn.to/3rgFLjY
Software Architecture: The Hard Parts: https://amzn.to/3BjMMF2
Training Classes: https://www.developertoarchitect.com/training/

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